Friday, May 23, 2014

Thirty things!

So was chatting to a mate of mine the other day and she told me about a blog challenge that she is undertaking, so I thought why not? Then realised that there is no chance I would have the time so thought that I might as well just do the first one: 30 interesting facts about me!! So here goes

1) my full name is Amy Margaret Shaw 
2) I was born and brought up in Kenya 
3) I knew how to make a proper gin and tonic by the age of 13 
4) I am from colonial descent 
5) the small scar down my right hand is from a cheetah cub
6) I have a tattoo of a gecko on my left shoulder 
7) my uni friends slap said tattoo after every drink
8) I can sit crossed legged on a camel without falling off
9) I hate monkeys 
10) I cannot wear high heels to save my life 
11) after several drinks my Kenyan accent tends to make an appearance 
12) I am running my second half marathon on Sunday 
13) I went to boarding school in the middle of Somerset for 6th form 
14) when I first came to the uk the concept of getting on trains terrified me 
15) I spent 10 months in Paris after school and still can't speak French 
16) I have been hijacked at gunpoint twice in my life 
17) I have properly kissed a giraffe 
18) I am terrified of snakes yet insisted on having a huge one draped over me in Spain (mistake) 
19) I once dislocated and fractured my collarbone and to this day have no idea how I managed it 
20) the only driving test I have experience of involved toy cars for the theory and a drunk policeman for the practical 
21) my favorite accessory is my safari hat (though can't quite pull that off in the uk) 
22) I grew up on a farm 
23) I once broke my little finger on my left hand and the bone grew back in the wrong direction so I now have a squifry finger 
24) I never take off my rings or earrings 
25) I have climbed mt. Sinai and mt. Kenya both in time for sunrise 
26) the amount of drama in my family could merit it's own soap opera 
27) I complain constantly about being cold 
28) it only takes a few drinks in me before all my secrets start coming out 
29) I managed to see pretty much the entire of Italy in 10 days of intense backpacking 
30) I always end up talking to the charity workers on the street and giving them all my money 

So that's me in a nutshell.  How many did you already know? 

Expat Diaries 
Twitter: @ExpatDiariesAfr 
Instagram: Amyshawza
Facebook: Expat Diaries Africa and Abroad

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