Having had breakfast overlooking prickly bay we decided to settle ourselves into Caribbean life - in layman's terms this means dowsing ourselves with factor 50 sun cream and then burning to a crisp (oh how British are we!!!). I don't know why but every signal member of my family has inherited a weird gene where they literally step into the sun and turn golden brown instantaneously. I, on the other hand tend to turn a lovely rouge colour - quite like a lobster really - very attractive in my opinion. Life is so unfair!
Still I'm in the Caribbean and they're not so swings and roundabouts :p
Now as some of you may have read a while back I posted a 30 things to do before I'm 30 list, and the last one on there was learn to meditate. Ladies and gentlemen, it is with greatest pleasure that I can announce I have ticked it off!!
Having never meditated before, I wasn't sure what it was going to be like but I have only heard good things about it and I reckon I could really get into it. The setting was quite literally on the waves (technically on a jetty on the waves but still) with the ocean stretching out in front for miles. The class was run by two guys who were the epitome of the word zen with really calming voices who said words like "awesome" and "totally" a lot.
The idea behind meditation is "mindfulness" or focusing your mind on something like the feel of your breath or the sound of the wind and by doing this you forget all your troubles and anything that is weighing you down. To be honest it was great, you feel chilled and genuinely at peace, I also happened to bring along the only person who fell asleep doing it!
I will try and keep meditation up - I think it is a pretty cool hobby, so watch this space meditators :p
Until next time
Expat Diaries
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