Ok so before we get stuck into this I just want to say that there is no way I am going to be able to write just one piece on the Caribbean: there is just too much and it would turn into something boring and undetailed!
Rather than write something like this I'm going to write more in a diary form and if you like it then great and if you don't - I reckon I'll survive :p

Day one - sailing into the sunset!
After around 12 hours of travelling and a stupid amount of excitement we touched down in Grenada, one of those Caribbean islands. One step out of the airport and I was drenched in sweat - meaning one thing - goodbye normal hair and hello big, crazy, frizzy hair which makes me look like one of those cartoon characters who has just shaken off water and puffed up! We were met by friend Ashleigh only to be told that we were going straight from the airport on a sunset sail. From grissly London to a boat in the Caribbean? Don't mind if I do!!
Changing into a pair of shorts and being handed a ting (fruit juice) we bundled on board my friends mate's boat and off we went!
Let's set the scene: slight breeze, some beats playing in the background, Grenada stretched out behind us and brilliant chat. Life is good!
The views were astounding! I honestly couldn't believe that a few hours earlier I had been sitting in pret a manger downing a cappuccino so quickly it burned my tongue! And now I was lying on the front of a sailing boat, cold drink in hand and learning about the origins of the word posh (port out starboard home) and fuck (fornication under the crowns knowledge) - pretty cool hey? The latter stretching back to Queen Elizabeth I time.
We sailed past the Grand Anse Beach (apparently one of the top beaches in the Caribbean - definitely planning a trip there later) and out to the ocean to watch the sun as is dipped behind the horizon, turning the ocean into a blaze of red and orange and the sky to about as many different colours as you could imagine.
Sitting here writing this makes me realise why I quit my job, why I left the hassle and craziness of London to take to the road for four months. Had I still been in my terrible job in the city, I wouldn't be here, looking at the Caribbean sunset and quite frankly just living a little. Life is simply just too short, and I am definitely looking forward to what the next 10 days of island hopping and exploring: ondthing is for certain - this beach life is totally for me!
Until next time X
Expat diaries
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