Sunday, March 30, 2014

Kenyans in London (part 1)

So quite a lot has happened since I last wrote,  I have started training for a half marathon, turned a year older and most importantly had a mini reunion with some old Kenyan friends!  I was far too excited by this (definitely got to the point where I was crossing days off the calendar). We all take friends with us from different areas of our lives but let’s be honest – you can’t quite beat a good reunion with the friends you grew up with.

After having "hiked" through London (in reality it was a casual walk down the southbank) we stopped for food at the  Southbank food market (duck burger – hands down the best thing I have ever tasted) and then there was the obligatory trip to Selfridges. 

And  of course no reunion is complete without a night out on the town...

There is only one place to go in Clapham on the weekend: Infernos! If you live in south west London then you will probably know all about it but for those of you who don’t here is a basic overview.  All the boys wear chinos and shirts and the girls are all in dresses and heels, the music is pure cheese which is great because everyone still goes crazy when they hear backstreet boys and S club 7 (lets be honest – that is never really going to get old is it). And despite everyone turning to me for direction when Shakira’s Waka Waka comes on (something I have learnt to expect when out with certain people), I have to admit I quite like Infernos. There – I said it, now judge away….

Sunday brunch, which is now something of a tradition found us in Covent Garden in a little place called  ‘Scoff and Banter’  the name says it all really. Three Italians, One German, One Irish Gal, One Kenyan and me - what could possibly go wrong? 

I love having people to stay and doubt I will ever really tire of being a tourist, and yet having said that I really haven't done that much around London (apart from the London Dungeon where I got applauded for my scream, yes people actually started clapping - sorry but it should not be legal for all the lights to go out and then for someone dressed as Jack the Ripper to appear behind me and start breathing down my neck - definitely one of the most embarrassing moments of my life but never mind). Having said that, my housemates and I have made a bucket list of things to do while living in London so hopefully I will soon be as knowledgeable as one of the tourist guides who walk around in Top hats outside Victoria. Only time will tell... 

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