Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Back To The Classics!

Whatever plans I had on Saturday completely disappeared when my housemates and I stumbled across a vintage car boot sale! Haha -Only in London! Before you stop reading this I promise I am not going to bang on about the weird and wonderful things which were being sold, no - that wasn't the reason I stayed. The reason I stayed was simply because the cars that everyone (who by the way were dressed in amazing outfits - I felt so out of place in jeans and a T-shirt - where's a poodle skirt and headscarf when you need one?) was selling their stuff from:  Classic Cars - all vintage and all in pristine condition.

I am not going to go off on a rant here and pretend that I am some car expert (while growing up I had a choice of two cars – 1) anything which had four wheel drive and 2) anything that was completely un-roadworthy).  I really don’t know that much about cars and to be completely honest I don’t really care, as long as it gets me from A to B its fine. Having said that – I love old cars, and by old I don’t mean that thing which has been sitting in our garage for about 10 years but rather the old classic vintage cars that you sometimes catch a glimpse of now and then.  Again, I’m about as far from an expert as you can get, I can’t tell you the make, certainly can’t tell you anything about the mechanics and I can guarantee that I will have no idea when they were driven, but you can’t really beat the fact that each one is unique and you can tell that each one has its own individual story.

I got completely sidetracked wandering among the aptly dressed pink ladies and T-birds, and everyone else who had dressed the part - including what can only be described as Tea Ladies, as they were walking around with a tea trolley and over sized cups with saucers on their heads.  I honestly didn't really feel like I was in 2014 - the music was old, the stuff was old, the cars were old and everyone had made an incredible effort with the fancy dress. I probably bored my housemates to death by staring at each car and motorbike and talking to the owners about the car's history but hey when a guy dressed as Danny Zuko starts talking to you about drag racing - what can you do. Basically I loved it and will definitely be rocking out the flowery dress and leather jacket next time it comes to town.

Expat Diaries 
Twitter: @ExpatDiariesAfr 
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