Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Lakes of Fraser Island

Ok so I know I have been quiet lately but unfortunately that is because disaster has struck and I have lost most of my photos. I have been trying my best to console myself but alas there is apparently nothing I can do, so instead I thought I would write something for you guys about good old Fraser Island. I miss Fraser Island already and sort of wish I was back there while writing this, but I am actually in a much better place now (no spoilers though you will have to wait). In my last post I wrote a bit about what we did while on the island but I couldn't really fit it all in so in this one I intend to give you a bit more of Fraser.

Day one: Lake Mackenzie

In my opinion words can't really describe how beautiful this place is. Similar to Whitehaven beach the sand here is almost pure silica so as it falls into the lake you get a stunning view of just about every colour of blue you can imagine. So time for one of those annoying photo ops - i.e. me standing looking out at the water as if I was deeply lost in thought! It was here we decided to put the silica to the test and used it to have a make shift spa day. The funny thing is that it actually worked! We exfoliated our entire bodies, rubbed it into our hair and the more adventurous of us brushed our teeth with it. Sounds a bit weird I know but it was actually pretty cool and I will honestly say that my jewellery has never sparkled more, my hair never been shinier and my skin never been softer. Pretty good value for money if you are considering a day at the spa!

Day two - The Champagne Pools

Basically regardless of their fancy name I will set the record straight here - the champagne pools are nothing more than over sized rock pools (I would show you a picture but it is amongst those lost to me, so you will have to do with my rather unimaginative description instead. They get their name from the huge waves which come into them and crash on the surrounding rocks making the water flowing in look a bit like a shaken up bottle of champagne being opened. Don't get me wrong though they are pretty cool, albeit absolutely freezing. If you fancied getting drenched then all you had to do was wait by the rocks for a wave to crash over and engulf you. 

Day Three - Eli Creek and Lake Wabby
Eli Creek

Eli Creek is a bit of a weird one, it's located at the top of a beach but it's completely pure and fresh water. It takes 300 years for the saltwater to filter through the sand and come out at the top or the creek. The water is so clear you can see all the way to the bottom and although it's cold it's worth wading through, or even better getting a rubber ring and drifting down. 

The sand dunes of lake wabby

Since Fraser Island is the largest sand island in the world, it follows suit that there would be an abundance of sand dunes. One of the best places to see these sand dunes in their glory is on the way to Lake Wabby. Lake Wabby is quite peculiar as its surrounded on three sides by forest and the fourth is pure sand. It was used by the aboriginals as a ceremonial place where they performed circumcisions and the likes. The lake is pretty cool and full of the fish that come up and nibble away your dead skin, so our spa trip continued! 

Apparently there is lots more to see on the island so maybe two nights isn't enough, but I suppose that's one of the perils of being a backpacker! I apologise if I seem a bit haphazard in this blog and my descriptions a bit all over the place, I am rushing around trying to see and do as much as possible and my lack of internet has made it hard to update you guys. Fear not though, I am heading off to Melbourne soon and I have lots of things which I have yet to write about.

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