Having been back on the other side of the world for a while I
have to admit I feel like my life has taken a completely different direction to
what I would have imagined 6 months ago, if you had told me 6 months ago that I
would currently be slowly morphing into a Londoner (i.e wearing boring colours,
not getting bothered by the rain and not talking to anyone on the tube) I would
have laughed in your face then bought you a beer to try to make you see
But the stange thing is that I feel it’s actually happening
and that I am actually getting used to it, my wardrobe is lacking all colour, I
always seem to be busy on a Thursday night, I have encountered Brick Lane (to
all you Kenyans out there it is basically Diamond Plaza with a London accent) and
I have to admit that today, to my absolute horror I picked up a copy of the
evening standard to read on the tube on the way home!!
The fact that I am working in the city also entertains me hugely
as I have been asked countless times if I work in finance. Me – finance –ha!! But
having said that apparently everyone else does. I was out with a friend for
drinks in the city the other night and we decided that it was much easier on a
night out to remember someone’s job over their name (there is a much higher
chance you will get it right) so for the rest of the night every man who bought
us drinks immediately became Mr. Banker, Mr. Analyst, Mr. Asset Management or
most commonly Mr. Financial something or other. And boys I know that sounds bad but let me explain
that it came about after a friend of mine explained the ins and outs of ‘pat
the office girl’ - a well known game in his office
(apparently they
walk around patting the office girls on the head). Having said that here are certain things which I am not sure that I will ever get used to, for example offices having showers and beds – or a shower/bed (as was invented by my mate after a night out where instead of being normal and going home, he decided that it would be a much better idea to head back to the office at 4am and use his clothes to turn the shower floor into something resembling a bed. Though in fairness this is the same friend who was trying to convince me that jaeger royals were the way to go (imagine jaeger bomb but replace the redbull with moet) so I really couldn’t have expected any better.)
However I am determined not to lose myself in this
world. I have already been nicknamed
Kenya in my team at work and according to everyone my accent is as mixed up as
ever, not to mention I got overly excited about seeing an adult sized Lion King
Jumper (and no before you ask I didn’t buy it – somehow I am not sure that I could
have pulled it off). We shall just have to see what happens to me from here on –
London let’s see what you got.
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