Baridi* Island (a.k.a England) – a very cold place far, far
away in a distant land where generally people
on the street don’t talk to you but stare at you with suspicion (well in my
case anyway) and where Welly Boots are an essential wardrobe must have. It is
also where I am now.
Yep, after a standard flight, which involved bribery, angry
ladies with overloaded trolleys and a criminal wandering about on the plane, I
touched down in Heathrow Airport just a little under a week ago. And all I can
say is oh my! I have only been gone for about 6 months and for some reason I am
finding it very hard to adapt back into my English ways (case point – as I
write this I am sitting inside, next to an electric fire in boots, jeans, two
jumpers, a scarf and ear warmers – and yes before you ask everyone else in the
house is laughing at me). I am so under-prepared for this weather having given
all my winter gear away at the end of uni to save packing space (in hindsight
probably not the best decision I have ever had) but hey ho I must make do with what
I have (I am also unemployed – so buying new clothes is out of the question and
as much as I love all my friends in the North there is no way in hell you will
get me to venture further than Oxford to see any of you until the summer). Hehe
I am sure I will get used to the weather pretty quickly, but for now the only
reminder of the sun I have is my screensaver.
That said, it’s pretty good to be back. I can do crazy
things again – like walk down the street and shock horror go for a run after
dark. It’s nice being in a place where I don’t have to get in
my car just to go
and grab some milk (that said I will miss “Screechy the Subaru” as my brother aptly
named it) and I have a very sad feeling that I have seen the last of that car.
Oh well maybe I will actually pass my UK driving test at some point (Ha!) and
get another car. On the up side I have now been reunited with Costa (I know
that sounds pathetic but you can’t beat their chai latte). Nah it’s good to be
back – all I have to do now is come out of hibernation and go and see some
*Swahili for Cold or Freezing
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