So really if I think about it I should have posted this blog back in’s been sitting in my draft box for so long I almost forgot about it - to use that dreaded phrase - life got in the way!

However I thought it was a bit silly of me to have it sitting there and not being read or enjoyed by anyone so I brought it out of its little box and updated it for you guys! I wanted to talk a little bit more about music as it’s not something I really know that much about and it’s a big part of the lives of a lot of my mates. I, on the other hand, have very little musical talent - I played the clarinet until I was about 14 and accidentally (slightly on purpose) fell down the stairs with it and it broke in half (did not expect that), a secret we have kept from my uncle to this day (fingers crossed he isn't reading this, if he is – oops sorry Francis!).
Anyway the point of this blog is really just to give you guys a little insight into the only two live events that I have been to see. Growing up in Kenya, we never really had live music as one of our Friday night options, I think Sean Paul came out once but he got his phone stolen and promptly returned to America. After that I always seemed to want to spend my money on other things - but don't worry I have now seen the error of my ways!
James Blunt

In our household, if you don't like James Blunt then you will politely be shown the front door and asked to return when you have had a musical education. No joke. My dad talks about James Blunt as if they were old mates, he "met" him when James was about 4 and has never seen him since but apparently that constitutes as them being lifelong buddies. Anyway as a surprise for my sisters 21st I took her to see him in concert, it was the first time either of us had seen a live performance (yep we were that cool) and we were both blown away (i.e. hyperventilating, jumping up and down and we knew the words to every single song). I hear it’s quite rare to hear artists who sound better than they do on a recording - but he did. Not only that, he has a certain wit in his banter with the audience, I mean he is not known as the king of twitter for nothing.
If you don't believe me
check this out!
The BBC Music Awards

I feel like after watching this, no concert I ever go to ever will even be slightly in the same league! In fairness I had no idea who half the singers and presenters were, but that's just me - my best mate looked at me like I was some gross creature of the underworld when I asked him who Greg James was...Regardless – it was an awesome night! Seeing acts such as Ed Sheeran, George Ezra and wait for it....Coldplay, was amazing though the list goes on to include some of the best singers of 2014 from a range of genres, oh and Tom Jones popped up in the end to remind everyone that he is still around. If you can get tickets to see this event next year then definitely try, last year was the first time it had ever been done so get in there early! We barely paid anything and got to see so much - and now I can’t wait to go for my next live gig!
The Techtonics
Ok so these guys are slightly different, but pretty well known in the acapella world here in London. Confused? - quickly think back to that movie with Anna Kendrick - Pitch Perfect - got it? Yep that's what these guys do! I have seen these guys a few times now and I'm heading over to Imperial College to watch them perform again tomorrow night! Now I’m sorry but there is something pretty cool about hearing a bunch of blokes singing all your favourite songs so well and with no music! One of the best things about these guys is that they really are in it for the music which I think is one of the most important traits to have if you are a musician...obvious statement I know but I am sure you can think of a few artists out there who aren't 100% live or die music makers! Nah they are great and if you are looking for something a bit different then you can find them on facebook, youtube and all that! To watch them perform have a
look here!
So there you have it! My music update, now the hunt continues for my next gig - any comments or suggestions welcome! Until then maybe I will see some of you at Imperial College tomorrow night?
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