Crystal Palace 10k
Ok I wont bore you by writing too much about running as I know that for some its not the most interesting of topics to talk about - however - I am so proud of myself :P! The reason I am feeling a bit like the cat who has got the cream is because I beat my time by a minute and the race was practically all uphill (yeah - I had no idea there would even be a little hill when I booked it so that was a lovely surprise that I didn't really train for - oops!). I did it with a friend who had never ran before and so it was a good achievement for both of us. The trusty boyf came to support (albeit begrudgingly as it was absolutely freezing, and unfortunately I saw him snapping a few shots as I ran past - if you imagine a cross between a lobster and disgruntled penguin - thats probably what I looked like during the run). Anyway enough running talk, it was fun and its done and I'm moving on to the next one.
Paloma Faith
So I never win things - ever! no really - never! And having won two VIP tickets to see this show I highly doubt that I will ever win anything again. So really there is no point even entering the lottery is there? When I got the call saying I had won, I did a little dance around my hotel room and immediately called my best mate and convinced him to be my plus one. We arrived at the O2 in North Greenwich to be greeted by what they call O2 angels, who gave us a wrist band and showed us to the VIP Lounge. It was so cool - designed to make you feel as if you are in a bubble, you walk through a tunnel into a room completely painted in blue plush cushions and chairs scattered around. The bar had bubbles all around it, giving you the feeling of exclusivity. After a quick drink we took the elevator to our VIP suite to watch the show. With free food and drink for the night given to us, we settled down with a fantastic view of the stage.
It was amazing! absolutely amazing. The starting act where an American band called Vintage Trouble who sang 50's style music, - Think T-Birds and Pink Ladies and you've got it. Paloma herself gave a fantastic performance, singing all her hits including my favorite 'picking up the pieces'. I had a huge smile for the majority of the evening and immediately came home and entered every possible competition under the sun in the hope of winning something else - I didn't.
My Birthday

In addition to this there was a chocolate, cheese and wine festival going on in north London, you didn't have to say that twice before I had called all those I know who loved chocolate and booked tickets to go and check it out. Stalls of decadent chocolate greeted us as we entered the room, with everything form chocolate baileys and brownies to wine and interesting cheese platters. Definitely worth a peek next time its around.

Expat Diaries
Twitter: @ExpatDiariesAfr
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Facebook: Expat Diaries Africa and Abroad
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